My Public Gallery
My public photo gallery. Most of my favorites come through here, pictures may change on my whim.
My Ship Pictures
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$("#" + row).toggle();
#table_detail .hidden_row {
display: none;
The story of a guy from land locked Colorado that started collecting ship pictures.
(click for more information)
Thanks for checking out the ship pictures, they're fun to take and share. I realized after a couple vacations I had some nifty ship pictures, so I started targeting them for even more photos and I like to add more whenever possible. Let me know if you served, worked or enjoyed any of these ships I would love to hear about it! The bigger, the better!
(click for more information)
Thanks for checking out the ship pictures, they're fun to take and share. I realized after a couple vacations I had some nifty ship pictures, so I started targeting them for even more photos and I like to add more whenever possible. Let me know if you served, worked or enjoyed any of these ships I would love to hear about it! The bigger, the better!
Furry Family
Volunteers for testing any new camera.